Gem grade Neolithic Quartz points

Gem grade Neolithic Quartz points-
Sahara desert, Africa
9,000 to 4,000 years ago
Neolithic points made of quartz in this quality are quite rare.
The earliest blade industry in North Africa is classified as the Oranian or also known as the Ibero-Maurusian Tradition. This tradition begins in the region around 12,000 years ago and is eventually superceded by another blade tradition called the Capsian Tradition. The Capsian industry runs simultaneously with the Oranian beginning 11,000 years ago (9,000 years ago in the Northwest region). This later tradition is responsible for the influence of the Oranian industry and eventually succeeds it as we near the end of the Paleolithic Period.
Most notable during the era of these two traditions is the proliferation of various blades and bladelets ushering in Microlithic technology. Microliths are tiny flake blade tools and segments of blades that are used as they are or set in composite tools of wood or bone for use as barbs or to make saws.
The blades and projectile points of the Oranian / CapsianTradition represent some of the most delicately flaked and beautifully executed smaller stone tools of primitive man. By this time, the flaking methods utilize small punches for extreme control in the removal of material and shape of the blade being made. Some points were so perfectly executed that they were not used at all but served as items of prestige by their owner and are sometimes found in association with burials. These finest points and blades from this period rival any stone implement ever made by primitive man and were sometimes manufactured out of the most stunning gem-grade material such as fine translucent chalcedony and agate as well as transparent crystalline quartz.
These Neolithic arrowheads were found on an exposed African Neolithic site in the Sahara Desert in Mali, Northwest Africa. Along with other artifacts, such as pottery shards, animal bones, and other artifacts that can be readily dated to that time period. In the final Pleistocene and early Holocene Periods around 10,000 years ago, the Sahara was believed to be a highly favorable environment for hunters, gatherers and pastoralists. Freshwater lakes existed between the dunes in what is now the Tenere region, Lake Chad was eight times its current size, the highlands supported Mediterranean forest trees, and a large fauna of animals flourished. The slow drying out process of the Sahara, began 7,000 years ago and ended 4500 years ago resulting in the barren conditions that exist to this day.
The earliest blade industry in North Africa is classified as the Oranian or also known as the Ibero-Maurusian Tradition. This tradition begins in the region around 12,000 years ago and is eventually superceded by another blade tradition called the Capsian Tradition. The Capsian industry runs simultaneously with the Oranian beginning 11,000 years ago (9,000 years ago in the Northwest region). This later tradition is responsible for the influence of the Oranian industry and eventually succeeds it as we near the end of the Paleolithic Period.