Petrified wood with Fluorite

Petrified wood with Fluorite- Chemnitz/Hilbersdorf, Saxony, Germany. 6″ across Chemnitz is one of the most important and beautiful petrified forests in the world! Amongst collectors of petrified wood worldwide the name Chemnitz/Hilbersdorf has a very special...

Pyromorphite- Bunker Hill Mine

Pyromorphite- Bunker Hill Mine, Bunker Hill properties, Kellogg, Coeur d’Alene District, Shoshone Co., Idaho. 4 cm tall Pyromorphite is a mineral species composed of lead chlorophosphate: Pb5(PO4)3Cl, sometimes occurring in sufficient abundance to be mined as an...

Fossil Hawk leg

McKittrick Tar Pits, Kern County, California. Pliestocene epoch. Leg is 28 cm fully extended. The McKittrick Tar Pits (also McKittrick Oil Seeps and McKittrick Brea Pits) are a series of natural asphalt lakes situated in the western part of Kern County in southern...

Opalized wood-gymnosperm

Opalized wood-gymnosperm Arka, Hungary. 7″ across. Arka on the western side of the Zemplen Mountains in eastern Hungary is a true “classic” site. It was around 1850 that large opalized logs were found here and brought to the Imperial Museum of...

Wood cast filled with Calcite and Natrolite

– Mount Elgon, Uganda. 3″ long Mount Elgon is an extinct shield volcano situated on the border between Kenya and Uganda. It is the oldest and largest solitary volcano in East Africa, covering an area of around 3500 km² (map). The nepheline tuff-beds on the...

Opalized limb

Opalized limb- Megyaszó, Hungary. Miocene epoch. (Lower Pannon) 9″ long 4″ diameter. Megyaszó in Eastern Hungary has long been known for its opalized wood. Megyaszó is about 12 miles from the nearest town, Szerencs, somewhat separated from the main chain...