Pliosauroidea Humerus bone cross section replaced by Pyrite

Pliosauroidea Humerus bone cross section replaced by Pyrite- Volga RIver, Village of Gorodishche, Ulyanovsk, Russia. 3.5″ across Pliosauroidea is an extinct clade of marine reptiles. Pliosauroids, also commonly known as pliosaurs, are known from the Jurassic and...

Pliosauroidea Rib bone cross section replaced by Pyrite

Pliosauroidea Rib bone cross section replaced by Pyrite- Volga RIver, Village of Gorodishche, Ulyanovsk, Russia. 2″ across Pliosauroidea is an extinct clade of marine reptiles. Pliosauroids, also commonly known as pliosaurs, are known from the Jurassic and...