by sysadmin | Jan 5, 2016 | Blog
Marattiaceous fern- Tuvichapteris- Paraná Basin, Paraguay. Permian Period. 17″ x 6″ The Parana Basin is the largest intracratonic basin of South America, mainly developed in Brazil and the eastern region of Paraguay. It extends southward to northern...
by sysadmin | Jan 4, 2016 | Blog
Trilobite-Phacops speculator- Hamar Laghdad Formation, Alnif , Morocco 400-380 mya. Trilobite is 5″ long. I acquired this specimen when I was a young boy. (30+ years ago)
by sysadmin | Jan 3, 2016 | Blog
Shattuckite with Malachite- Kaokoveld Plateau, Kunene Region, Namibia. 4 cm across Ex. Charlie Key specimen. This specimen consists of a wonderfully colorful, velvety-looking mass of acicular shattuckite crystals in association with a stout, chunky, deep green crystal...
by sysadmin | Jan 2, 2016 | Blog
Rhodochrosite Pseudomorphs after Fossil… Shells with Selenite- Fundort, Kerch peninsula, Crimea peninsula, Crimea Oblast’, Ukraine. 4 cm across This specimen hosts two, prominent fossil shells that have been completely replaced by pink Rhodochrosite. The...
by sysadmin | Dec 31, 2015 | Blog
Petrified wood-Angiosperm- Camagüey Province, at the southern margin of the Sierra del Chorillo, Najasa Fossil Forest, South Central Cuba. 6″ across. The described “Bosque Fósil de Najasa” (“Najasa Fossil Forest”) is situated in south...
by sysadmin | Dec 30, 2015 | Blog
Doubly terminated Topaz- Dassu, Braldu Valley, Skardu District, Baltistan, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan. 7.6cm x 4.6cm x 4.2cm This specimen consists of a large, robust crystal of Topaz in association with a small amount of Cleavlandite. What makes this specimen unique...