Limb cast

Limb cast – Yellow Cat Flat, Morrison Formation, Yellowcat Mining District, Grand Co. Utah. 5.25″ across. Collected in the early 1950’s

Malachite with Shattuckite, Quartz, & Dioptase-

Malachite with Shattuckite, Quartz, & Dioptase- Kaokoveld Plateau, Kunene Region, Namibia. 4 cm across Ex. Charlie Key This specimen consists of a deep green spray of chunky, robust primary malachite crystals that are aesthetically accented by numerous blue balls...

Fossil sphenopsid, Annularia Stellata-

Fossil sphenopsid, Annularia Stellata- Pennsylvanian deposits. Mazon Creek locality, Francis Creek Shale, Coal City, Illinois. Pennsylvanian period 300 mya. 6″ across Annularia are the leaf whorls of an extinct horsetail,...

Eosphorite & Zanazziite on Quartz

Eosphorite & Zanazziite on Quartz- Ilha Claim, Taquaral, Itinga, Jequitinhonha valley, Minas Gerais, Brazil. 3.5 cm across. This specimen consists of a tabular, doubly terminated crystal of quartz that serves as a matrix for attractive sprays of eosphorite...