Galena, Calcite and Chalcopyrite

Galena, Calcite and Chalcopyrite- Madan ore field, Rhodope Mts, Smolyan Oblast, Bulgaria. 12 cm across Galena with skeletal growth in some crystals, with a partial coating of Calcite and scattered gold Chalcopyrite. The Madan ore field, known since ancient times,...

Ettringite & Quartz

Ettringite & Quartz- N’ Chwaning II Mine, Kalahari Manganese Field, Northern Cape Province, South Africa. 8 cm across Ex Charlie Key specimen

Petrified wood with green agate fortifications-Woodworthia

Petrified wood with green agate fortifications-Woodworthia- Main River, Bavaria, Germany. Upper Triassic (Keuper) 10 ” across The Main is a river in Germany. With a length of 527 km, it is the longest right tributary of the Rhine, and the longest river lying...

Azurite Nodule with Silver

Azurite Nodule with Silver- Poteryaevskoe Mine , Rubtsovskoe Cu-Zn-Pb deposit, Rudniy Altai , Altaiskii, Western Siberia, Russia. 10 cm across