Cornwall, England.
3.1cm x 2.5cm x 1.5cm
Ex. Baron Collection
Ex. Alfred Des Cloizeaux (1817-1897)
Ex. Musee d’Histoire Naturelle
Ex. Dr. Mark N. Feinglos Collection
Ex. David E. Ellis Collection.
A historic, 19th century cassiterite from Cornwall with excellent provenance. This specimen hosts a group of cassiterite crystals in matrix. This specimen retains several previous labels including an old, handwritten label from Alfred Des Cloizeaux (1817-1897) that notes he acquired it from the Baron collection. Des Cloizeaux also provided a detailed description of the crystal’s habit on the label as well. The mineral descloizite was named for Des Cloizeaux, professor of mineralogy at the University of Paris, who originally described the species. This specimen was exchanged from the Musee d’Histoire Naturelle by Dr. Mark N. Feinglos in 1972 and retains two labels from the Feinglos collection (one notes historical details etc.)This specimen also retains a contemporary label from the Ellis collection.
From good friend Jasun McAvoy.